Saturday, September 25, 2010

Boardwalk Empire - Pilot (2010)

I have been waiting for this show for over a year, since I first heard it was in the works. It's rare that having such high expectations with something, are they not only fulfilled, but even better than I could have expected.

The Show:

This show is compiled of the best of the best of film and t.v. Martin Scorsese (the genius of all mobster films), Terrence Winter (the genius of mobster t.v. - The Sopranos), Mark Wahlberg (kind of random, but I think after Entourage we know he can produce good results). It's on HBO, naturally and is already being praised by critics everywhere. The show focuses on a man named Nucky Thompson, played by Steve Buscemi. He pretty much rules Atlantic City: from making trades in the gangster world to being known as the sensitive and down to earth politician. This show, which is based on a true story goes back to the world of mobsters and how they came to be. In the pilot we are introduced to two up and comers - Al Capone, played by Stephen Graham, and Jimmy Darmody, played by Michael Pitt, before they gained all the money and power that we know they soon will. The focal point and majority of the show's plots will be focused around the prohibition, which we can assume hit places like Atlantic City, New York and Chicago the hardest. The pilot begins with the night before prohibition begins in 1920. While the rest of the world is dumping out their whiskey and gin, Nucky Thompson is already making plans to make sure no ones liquor cabinets are dry - but at an extremely high profit increase.


This show in every single sense is perfection. It's The Sopranos all over again. Everything from the dialogue to the cinematography are as skillful as it gets. It's hard to find a show where everything is just perfect. Even Mad Men, which comes close to being flawless, still has a couple of off moments. The casting is fantastic. I've always loved Steve Buscemi in everything from Fargo to The Sopranos. I find him captivating, and sweet but still always a complete badass and all around great actor. The producers make sure to take advantage of the freedom that they get with having the show on HBO. They don't skimp on anything, from the nudity, language to the graphic violence. In a world where good and evil are opposites and are conveyed through film as black and white ideals, you have to really be able to let your guard down with gangster movies and shows. You know the main character is doing horrible things, but you still like him and want good things for him. That goes for every gangster from Michael Corleone to Tony Soprano. There are going to be moments where you're thinking, "gosh, why did they have to do that? Did he really have to kill that guy?", but he's still the main character and you still like him. It's a twisted world where cops are the bad guys, and you love it.


I highly, highly recommend you get on board with this show. If you appreciate good t.v., then there's nothing else you should be watching instead. If you don't get HBO, then watch it on your computer. Just watch it!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Amazing show! I worked as a producer for the past 5 years on a soap - clearly different writing!!

Check out my post on a Boardwalk Empire/HBO event I attended: